Super 7, or, Cacoxenite, is an amazing stone that can aid with clearing digestive issues, assist in raising the vibrations of one's physical self. Super 7 allows connection and communication to Spirit, amd works to attract and ground the wearer. This is a great stone for meditation and dream work, and assists in working within the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.
*This pendant is large in size*
How to clean your copper jewelry:
Place your pendant or copper jewelry into some lemon juice for a few seconds (leave it a little longer the more tarnished it is.)
Rinse either clean water, and let dry completely.
Wear and enjoy!
*Please note: Not all stones and crystals can get wet, and there are other ways to cleanse your crystals if they are not water soluable, so please check before you place it in liquid to clean.*